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You say 'you love me' but you don't really mean it.

The conditions of felicity of the little sentence "I love you" implies that it is given as a gift and that this gift generates in those who give as well as those who receive it a form of personhood: "I am the one who is loved by that one", " parce que c'était lui, parce que c'était moi " as Montaigne said

The little sentence "I love you", when uttered rightly, has the other virtue of putting both speaker and listener in the presence of one another again and anew. Hence the different meaning of re-presentation, as what is presented again, or what provides another chance of being in the presence of someone or something/ Although the conditions of felicity of this "speech act" are difficult to detail, every one of us seems to have an uncanny ability to detect its infelicities: "you don't really mean it", "you say that to please me", "you said that too fast", "you did not say that like the first time".

 Truth and falsity, faifthulness and infidelity are carefully detected, measured, proved, demonstrated, elicited. Nothing is less unmediated,  that this sturdy, careful, accurate mechanism to evaluate love. A large part of our life is spent – and well spent! – in developing those skills and honing those forms of judgment

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