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When people, like Obama, try to cultivate liberalism the results are disastrous.

When people, like say Obama, try to cultivate liberalism while neglecting the genuine foundations of a political order, the results are disastrous, especially in foreign policy,  - Syria, the 'red' line that was not observed, not dealing with the growing threat of North Korea, his City, Chicago, ad infinitum. So why is this?  Obama and his cabal are so called 'educated'  and they graduate from prestegious Universities sporting their ideologue gowns. hot housed by Professors who are 95% leftist leaning 
Enter Trump, stage left  to bugles and his evocation of a force that smashes the liberal façade of the dominant class, his endorsement of the virtue of antagonism when there is a ruling elite (the 'Swamp') to be overthrown

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