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Justice warriors and their 'causes' reinforces self-segregation

A cogently argued article, however one cannot help but think that the ongoing problem for the journalist is how many causes can one unearth that is worthy of a headline. There is also the argument that causes reinforces self-segregation. When people, like well meaning journalists, (to be well meaning does not mean one is right) try to cultivate liberalism while neglecting the genuine foundations of a political order, the results can be...Trump. Although efficaciously argued, some might ask if this article is the misguided shilly-shallying of a liberal looking for yet another cause? You tell me. There are insights and perceived injustices in this piece and one feels it is fuelled by an underlying drive to bring us (go on, call me a deplorable) out of our our unfair and ignorant state of political blasphemy. Yet. is not the nation (the US) currently defined by enmity and might not a cause be a coming together, a cause which heals rather than further divides. But then where is the headline in that?

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