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The USA das Volk against das Volk

Because the Volk is defined by enmity, and is always on the edge of a war, a point is bound to be reached in the life of a liberal democracy when its faith in peace, love and understanding is shown to be misplaced, and it thereby loses its authority. 

Is that what it happening in the USA today; 

A natural sovereign takes over: the Mid- terms a conceptual dictator, perhaps in the form not of a person but an event,fettered by laws; a decider. 

But the sovereign (the Mid terms) isn’t simply rescuing the Volk from the shilly-shallying of democrat v rebpuclican

 it will brings the Volk out of a state of blasphemy, or will it?
I wonder.  

Or will it just add fuel to the mob pyre that is immolating the US of A

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