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Comment on New York Times video showing how Trump is a Hitler like fascist

England | Pending Approval On a  NYT  video saying Trump is fascist
What an extraordinary video, why not call it 'Biased, Qui Moi?' After a barrage of Hitler, Mussolini images and Trump in fascist drag. I waited and waited for an image of the left on one of their what is politely called a demo' but when viewed up close is a hate filled mob. 

Apart from imagery you are employing language and whoever or whatever controls language also controls thought, so you control language in your video, so is the language in your video is fascist?

 As to the fascist regalia and the portrayal of a pagan religion of ancestor worship, the Globalists, for their part, push and equally 'pagan' philosophy that the world is one, so no borders. How then Blake's Jerusalem, Holst's I Vow to Thee My Country, Rule Britannia, the ‘Homecoming’ of Odysseus Bach Cantatas, National anthems which when sung swells the heart, are they all fascistic? Discuss. 

Witness the current voting patterns in Austria, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Brazil, UK et al, on rejecting the leftist mantra, by doing so are they all fascist? Discuss

 Is the idea of patriotism, self-identification with the heroism of ancestors in wars you didn’t fight in, the oneness of land and people, the 'holiness' of flags and symbols and colours, the special sanctity of certain tombs and landmarks, the rites of pilgrimage to sites hallowed by the past presence of mythologised characters in a national story, the sense of belonging in a landscape and the fear of defilement are all these things fascistic. 
Discuss! I can't wait.

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