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You have got to 'sell' newspapers.

Hey Frank, (the NYT journalist) encouraging for others that you were so open about your own drinking in the piece. Your certainly were partial to a tipple. Did you ever analyse why you were so prone to whetting you thirst? Did you ever 'black out', No! does that question make your angry. OK, let's cut to the chase, Kavanaugh; false accusations makes one angry, if they make you react in a supine way...then there is a good psychiatrist I know etc. Was your 'beer'piece written in that mode because aquatic metaphors and other liquid metaphors are destabilising for men? You see Mr Bruni we can all 'think' and are not reliant on vulgar Hollywood references such as 'Spartacus' and that gentleman could be your next President. No mention of the Gang rape, that pitiful juvenilia masquerading as erudite intervention. No doubt this sensationalising pattern will continue unabated for it would seem gender hierarchy, especially if you are a white male, seems immune to reform by reasoned or visionary argument. Your article smacks of Liberal worship that tomb of the unknown principle, penned, despite the repeated beer references, with the fervour of hopeful prayer. No doubt you are a soi disant educated man but for many thinkers, the media blind spot is the lack of socioeconomic diversity within their ranks; and it is this apocalyptic mindset that infects the pundit class and which fuels the quite frightening division in the US, but then, hey, you got to sell newspapers.


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