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We don't need your faux tears or analysis, we just need to be heard

Last month, results of 87,000 interviews conducted by Gallup showed that those who liked Trump were under no more economic distress or immigration-related anxiety than those who opposed him.  Not the impression you would get from the media who still dwell in a myopic mental landscape. 
The classification of 99% of Trump voters as “gullible, ignorant, disaffected and mean-spirited” is another opinion the media, who contemptualise downwards;   might have done well to keep such views to itself.

“‘Angry white male’ Trump voters…live in small towns, listen to Fox News and right-wing talk radio, are prayerful and gun crazy. They comprise at least 45 per cent of the American voting public.”
This smug dismissal of a significant number of Americans typifies the general attitude of the mainstream media toward a populist upsurge.

Never mind that, according to the 2000 census, ‘more than 80 percent of the nation’s population resided in one of the 350 combined metropolitan statistical areas.’ Or that it would be equally impossible for “‘Angry white male’ Trump voters” to comprise 45% of the electorate when women make up a roughly equal number of voters, not to mention African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latinos, etc.
We don’t need their analysis, and we sure don’t need their tears. What we need is to have our stories told comes the cry
from the disenfranchised fly over states

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