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The apocalyptic mindset that infects the pundit class

The pundit class, yes the media, the talkers, the experts, the usual suspects that are trotted out on
television to give their view (why are they always smiling when introduced in that rigor mortis way)

Apart from the sick and mean spirited destroying of a mans (Kavanaugh) reputation, can one take the American spats over Supreme Court nominations entirely seriously; it seems that the Court is always one new justice away from either reinstituting witch-burning or making gay sex compulsory for three-year-olds, depending on which side’s propaganda you happen to be reading.

It’s part of the apocalyptic mindset that infects so much of our pundit class, by which the next big event – whether an election, a referendum, or the naming of a Supreme Court judge – is always the one that will decide the fate of the nation for generations to come. The reality, of course, is that Supreme Court judges will carry on dying or retiring, and future presidents of whatever party will carry on replacing them. But that’s too dull, for the witch burning media and let Kavanaugh burn in hell democrats, isn’t it?

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