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That insane eschatolgy of the 'second coming'

That insane eschatolgy of the 'second coming'

End-times eschatology, usually deals with issues related to the end of the present world order such as the return of Jesus Christ;

In this scenario of fancy, 'Lightining strikes!, the  thunder claps! the clouds open!  and lo and behold there appears.

What is happening is that soon life will be discovered on other planets and Theology will have to find a way to accommodate these new scientific discoveries as their teachings unfold as being provincial in a cosmic sense.

 In the scenario of fact 7.5 billion years from now "the sun will loom 250 times larger in the sky than it is today, and it will scorch the Earth beyond recognition."  Source New Scientist.

And so after all those million of years of progress as Charles Darwin has it:..."it is an intolerable thought that all sentient beings are doomed to complete destruction after such long continued slow progress.

All together now, ;Let's hear it for, God;s long term plan. .

Peter P. Cheevers

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