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Isis and other minds

One read and views actions of such inhumane barbarity by ISIS that the mind boggles.

We must communicate our horror at such actions. So how we enter the other minds of these people carrying out such unspeakable acts.

The first thing to propose is that there is a divide between the educated and the uneducted
let us refer to them as the 'believers' and the 'non-believers'.

That other human beings are mostly very like ourselves is something about which almost all of us, almost all of the time, are certain. 

There are exceptions, among them philosophical sceptics, and perhaps those suffering from some abnormal mental condition. We do not, of course, believe that we always or even mostly know about others' inner lives in detail, but we do not doubt that they have an inner life, that they experience the physical world much as we do, rejoice, suffer, have thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions, and so on. 

But what, if anything, justifies our certainty? Discuss


Peter P. Cheevers

Read Peter P. Cheevers short stores published by Ether Book:


click on each title for more info

Not Even A Recall – Where’s That Revolver?

Violence in Chichester? No, Never

I Never Saw A Woman Look So Wistfully

A Night On The Moon

All Flesh Is Grass

No Atheists In Foxholes

The Rats' Somme

published by Ether Books, download  on Kindle 

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