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We don't cry because we are sad, it is we cry, therefore we are sad.

I follow Antonio Damasio (2000) and other luminaries in this field through cognitive neuroscience and the search for the emotional locus. I look at how Damasio shows, through the study of his patients’ brain disorders, that the body and brain are indissociably linked. I illustrate how Damasio resurrects William James' (1884) theory of emotion, the body is the primary source to emotion and not the (embodied) brain. I point out that the accepted hierarchy is reversed

For it is not the accepted, ‘...we are sad therefore we cry,’ but the Jamesian body over the emotions, ‘...we cry, therefore, we are sad.'.

Peter P. Cheevers

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'Not Even a Recall - Now Where is that  Revolver?'

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