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The perfect sized emotional boots that we shoulld alll fit ino.

Heard  someone talking about feeling they,  emotionally, were getting too big for their boots,
they were grandstanding etc,  I could go one with the trite metaphors.
So when one thinks in this way what sort of  boots is one thinking of
It is s a size 8 or 9, when we measure our emotional behaviour what are measuring it
Is there a perfect emotional and psychological fit out there that we measure ourselves
against and if so where does that perfect come from who designed it, and told us
 that we should fit into those shoes.

Well the perfect cobbler who has set this perfect paradigm for us are a well-meaning
consencus who have pragmatically held up a mode of behaviour which aids us
to sail easily through the difficulties of our day to day endeavours.
But the perfect sized emotional shoes that we should all fit into, one suspects emanates
from Plato's perfect bed you won't find it in this world you will only find it in
the Forms, the higher world and that is where the bar has been set and in Bertrand Russels
words this has set us back 2000years.


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