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We have much to discuss

"Good morning students. Now settle down quickly. We have much to discuss this morning.
Right put away your things as quickly as possible."

"Right,Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has said so well, I will read this out...
‘The rememoration of the "present" as space is the possibility of the utopian imperative of no-(particular)-place, the metropolitan project that can supplement the post-colonial attempt at the impossible cathexis of place-bound history as the lost time of the spectator.’

"Now any questions on that? expect 2000 words on that.  Now can I move on?

What I would really like to discuss now is the Postmodern need to explore the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles and expose its late-capitalist horrors.  Any thoughts on that?

Oh bye the bye....some of you may think I am humour challenged....however,I am not
but I do think it a bit rich that some of you have started referring to me in your twitters
as holding the 'Diet Coke' Professoriship...please refrain from that.
While I think of it would you look  the Southern Agrarian C.J.L. Culpepper’s essay on ‘The Sacramental Meaning of Winnie-the-Pooh’.

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