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Condoleezza and her cousin Connie

Condoleezza Rice had a schoolfriend who died in the Birmingham church bombed by the Ku Klux Klan in 1963.

Interestingly she also has a cousin called Connie who was brought up in the segregationist South with the same family belief that children could educate themselves out of their circumstances.

Both of them did just that, after which Condi Rice chose the board of Chevron oil, the invasion of Iraq and right-wing Republicanism.

Wheras her cousing Connie Rice studied law, joined the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and has her own views on capitalism: ‘It’s not an invisible hand, it’s an invisible penis, and my clients always get screwed.’

That’s America for you: people can grow up with similar difficulties and come to completely different conclusions about their relationship with the world

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