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There have been countless cases recorded of near death experiences.So that proves...

That they were near know...not quite death...a feeling that you are floating above the room and looking down (God like) on everyone else can be the result of modern medication and many other phenomenon. I often wonder why none of these floaters ever do down and look up.  

But we have a long history of this human desire to go up (bequeathed to us from the Dinosaurs - this rising up is apparently a mansifestation of the age old human desire to fly). So from the Resurrecton onwards the discourse has been  'Heaven is up' and 'Hell is down'.

Before the near nonsense...there was the weeping statues and before that...

(Sean O Casey is good playwright on the weeping statues. Read or watch Red Roses for Me and get some enjoyment out of all this nonsense).

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