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Does the thermometer and the telephone wire have consciousness?

Does the telephone wire have consciousness. Does a thermometer have consciousness?

Why does consciousness have to have an agent with free will who can act on data?  One is not making claims that the thermometer or telephone wire has free will
(whatever that is). H however the thermometer/telephone wire  receives data and acts on that data.

Consciousness varies; the schizophrenic, the person high on peyote, the uber meditator who attains a consciousness of nothing,
just tabula rasa: yogic states of consciousness. Those claiming to be mystics - who who are perhaps people who have more data have at their disposal. For consciousness embodies information that are patterns of bits. 

I feel I am running a bit of a temperature, just pop this (thermometer) in my mouth.  The thermometer will soon let me know. It does, and it informs me that I am not running a temperature.

There are many state of consciousness.

Think on!

source:  David Chalmers

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