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The Left's yearning for a Saviour

One can see by the comments to this article that what is patently clear is this yearning for a Democratic saviour from Trump. For since Trump's election the 'Left' have morphed more and more into a quasi Religious movement in their desperation. Mr O'Rourke, with that patina of 'Kennedyesque' Irishness in name and stature fits the Saviour bill, here one has to point our that his Irishness seems to have extended into to his partiality for a drop of the hard stuff (his past arrest for drunken driving). Still, where is the justice if a fella can't have a drink. Fast forward to the present and with donors aplenty and the Media press pack cheering him on Mr O'Rourke might very well manifest himself into the second coming that Democrats so yearn for. But hold on, isn't Religious belief metaphysical and metaphysics defies reason, does it not? On the other hand is reason, reasonable? Aw Jaysus I am getting all confused, I am Irish myself and I will have to stop here cos' I'm dying for a drink and why not for in these politically febrile times everybody else is wide eyed and leglessly drunk.

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