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Should politicians go to prison for the consequences of their actions?

Watch them on television their  fearlessness and  social assurance - where does that spring from?
Education or a certain type of ideological education,

Politicians especially seem to be the type of person  with the  the rib-cages of a hippo and the snouts of badgers, more of than not they are  dewy-eyed idealisers of the down trodden. Or so they would have you believe.

Take those Politicians in the UK, Labour zealots they were:  their mission was to rub
the UK's population noses in  'Diversity' and they let everybody in without the permission of the British people.  The result when the UK population were allowed to vote on immigration was - Brexit.

Now you have these same politicians  (some sitting on a fat Euro pension)  going  around advocating another Brexit vote ...democracy apparently is not good enough for them.  One wonders where
are the consequences for these people. do politicians bear consequences for their actions?
Like say, a prison term.

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