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On defending Sarah Huckabee Sanders

'She even came in behind Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a person whose only actual power is to be irritating.'
The above was in an article in the New York Times on 28/02/18

Trump’s Worst: The Winners Are In!

My response is below:

To quote George Orwell ' have to be really of the educated classes to make such a claim.' For this is a particularly un chivalorous remark and even anti women perchance? You see we can all play the victim card.An observation from this side of a less biased ocean for 'Une femme d'un certain age' to withstand a veritable lions den of hostility on a daily basis is a remarkable feat of equanimity. So why do I see it that way and you see conversely? I mean, who is wearing the blinkers; why is your utopia my dystopia? Is it culture, education? Or is it simply the Liberal voice wailing like some lone wolf in a wilderness without power.Image result for google images wolf howling

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