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Has Liberalism come to a cultural STOP sign?

Here in the UK Brexit was not decided empirically; 'immigration... good for the economy' it was decided viscerally; the indigenous population felt, if not asphyxiated then culturally threatened and voted that is enough immigration.

Despite Obama's endeavours to convince the UK otherwise, how undemocratic was that?

A similar voting phenomenon has been enacted and is growing across Europe (see Italian elections today) Why is this? It does nothing to label such voters as 'deplorables' (where was that woman educated?) better to view this 'populist' phenomenon as a reaction to a quasi religious movement called Liberalism, whose driving force has been morally dubious platitudes,

I mean where do these moral claims come from are they just causa sui 'things' that are plucked out of the air or are they no more than the opinions of interested parties; allied to such opinions is the guilt of the 'haves' (Merkel) towards the 'have nots' - the untold millions of 'economic' migrants, by all reports, the majority of which are young able bodied young men who might do better to stay in the service of reviving the economies of their own countries rather than seeking a 'better' (economic) life abroad

Perhaps Liberalism which many view as a secular substitute for religion and which gives so many people 'meaning' in their lives has been given its chance and judging by recent voting choices across Europe and the US has come to a cultural 'STOP' sign.

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