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Political Correctness now looms over Westerm society like a colossus

Political Correctness now looms over Western European society like a colossus and be afraid, for depending on how you couch it differently you could go to Prison (the law in the UK) good old politicans those who emerge from PC Universities with the their
2.1s in PPV (Politics Philosophy Economics) and from there on in the words of Sophocles 'lurk behind every stone.

PC,  to give it its world renowned acronym, has taken over both political wings, left and right. Among so-called Western European "conservative" parties the actual cultural conservatives are shown the door because being a cultural conservative opposes the very essence of political correctness.
It controls the most powerful element in our culture, the media and entertainment industry. It dominates both public and higher education: many a college campus is a small, ivy-covered North Korea. It has even captured the higher clergy in many Christian churches. Anyone in the Establishment who departs from its dictates swiftly ceases to be a member of the Establishment

When addressing the general public, advocates of Political Correctness - or cultural Marxism, to give it its true name - present their beliefs attractively. It's all just a matter of being "sensitive" to other people, they say. They use words such as "tolerance" and "diversity", asking, "Why can't we all just get along?"

The reality is different. Political Correctness is not at all about "being nice", unless one thinks gulags are nice places. Political Correctness is Marxism, with all that implies: loss of freedom of expression, thought control, inversion of the traditional social order, and, ultimately, a totalitarian state. If anything, the cultural Marxism created by the Frankfurt School is more horrifying than the old, economic Marxism that ruined Russia. At least the economic Marxists did not attempt to create a matriarchy, as the Frankfurt School and its descendants have done.

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