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Our elusive beginnings, the philosophers' Mecca

The elusive beginnings The beginnings of sexuality, just as many other beginnings, are elusive.

It is difficult to determine the moment when we become creatures endowed with particular sex. We might even wonder whether such a moment occurs at all. Is there the actual time in human life when we embody Derrida's aporia of Neither/Nor in order to later be deprived of this convenient paradox for the benefit of Kirkegaard’s Either/Or?

Despite this, the mythical time between gametes being combined into a zygote and assigned with the sexual signum is what has developed to become the philosophers’ Mecca. When philosophy searches for the source, traces the beginnings and attempts to describe the encountered phenomena, does the philosopher’s mind become awakened or rather, does it remain dormant dreaming of a neutral subject where everything is freed from differences, and particularly, from this most troublesome one?

Michel Foucault claimed that the anthropological dream had replaced the dream of God, thus suggesting that once the Man collapses, the era of Discourse will unfold. One might wonder whether this entails a certain significant transformation. The God, the Man, the Discourse represented as The Same Ones or as The Others, were always sexually neutral and kept guard over the source. Meanwhile – as Luce Irigaray noted – there is no such thing as a human, there are men and women. Nonetheless, does the statement of this "empirically obvious" fact disturb our cultural dream of Androgyne – the ideal being raised above sexuality, above the differences of male and female bodies, feminine and masculine thoughts and feelings? The question about a "woman", on the other hand, results from the discourse on a neutral subject. It puts this discourse into question. And, what is more, it anticipates the question concerned with a "man".


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