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Are You on the Hedonistic Treadmill?

What is the 'Hedonistic Treadmill'?

Well, according to a widely accepted theory, as a person makes more money expectations and desires rise in tandem. And the desires in them and their children (the litmus test of the parents) are manifested in behaviour not dissimilar to this.

“Yeah... I went on this mad shopping trip in the West End, shoes, handbag and I got a Blackberry and an iPod for my birthday and...there was lots and lots of  people at my birthday party and afterwards we all went to..." 

'How old are you again? You will be burnt out by the time you are 18 there will be nothing left to do!'
You are careful not to say something like this, What you say in that gob smacked way is: "...yeah, great, yeah great."

"...and we are off to Barcelona for a few days....
Oh did you know...we’ve got a new car..."
“But isn’t your car just a couple of years old?”
“Yeah but you know...Mum and Dad.. wanted...more leg room you know.
Did I tell you about our trip to Toronto at

What!,,,yeah, well." Do tell. Can't wait.

You listen to this knowing there has been some family row where the Uncle who lives just outside Toronto has barred the parents from the house but the children can stay. Families, don't you just love them.
“Yes, it was great Mum and Dad stayed in a Hotel in the centre of Toronto and we stayed with our Uncle in upstate Toronto”
"Oh great, great.”

No insult, no matter how big or small, will prise them off the treadmill.
God they are so infuriating in their blind homage to materialism, and as they continue to rustle their feathers with their is a tacit element to their communications
‘...we have more than you, we do more than you’ and the implication is, 'we are better than you.'

But after you get over the initial envy, or the personal insult of it all, you find they are good game for mockery. And sadly for them all studies show the Hedonistic Treadmill does not result in any permanent gain in happiness.

For when we come to happiness all studies show that it is broadly genetic. This fact is bolstered by the many studies done on  identical twins  who are more concordant (of the same) for depression than fraternal twins.

So those on the hedonic treadmill who believe themselves to be happier by their materialistic pursuits than those of the less well off - are sadly mistaken. For all studies show that once biological needs are met rich people are not happier overall than less well off  ones, or even the very poor!

Studies supports the argument that those on the Hedonistic Treadmill who believe that their happiness derives from materialism in itself, are mistaken. 

The happiness of those on the Hedonistic Treadmill derives from how they perceive the differences in their wealth compared to other people. And that is why people who are on the Hedonistic Treadmill have to shout from the roof tops to one and all what they are doing as they pedal every more futilely to stay on the treadmill.

After all, if they didn’t  shout ‘look at me' no one would know they are actually on the treadmill. Least of all, themselves.

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