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Thewhen we probe into the atomic level the objective world in space and time no longer exists


The nature of REALITY....PUT aside your intellectual revulsion and incredulity about the following do so we must delve into the micro world of physics....not the macro world of 

Buses etc....and what we find in this....our real reality of atoms quarks photons electrons et al

is that our reality is constitute in a very different way way of example let us look at the 

ELECTRON and ask

does its position remain the same?....the answer is NO

does it change over time?... the answer is NO

so is the ELECTRON at rest?....the answer is NO

so if it is not at it in motion?....the answer is NO

so, is it a THING? using our MACRO world evaluations?

ELECTRONS form an ATOMS' shell

but ATOMS ELECTRONS etc can not  be unambiguously be described

by our macro world evaluations with concepts like location, velocity, energy, size

when we probe into the atomic level the objective world in space and time no longer exists

ATOMS are not things they are Janus faced entities - waves on Mondays,particles on Tuesdays etc


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