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When the look of the other makes you feel like a subject

 The 'other' passes you by and fixes  you with a Lynx like stare

this 'other' person has made you sense your subjectivity 

because you have been subjected to this 'look; Ellie Anderson argues that there is a '...constitutive ambiguity between the freedom appropriate to subjectivity and the phenomenon of being an erotic object in intimate encounters and that '...we we are always both subject and object in our encounters with others and that there is  a constitutive ambiguity between the freedom appropriate to subjectivity and the phenomenon of being an erotic object in intimate encounters.

Simone de Beauvoir  describes as ambiguity, that is, the simultaneous sense of being a free subjectivity and being exposed as a corporeal object to others being an erotic object for another is a central feature of virtually all erotic encounters.

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