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the nowness of now an tge I ness of I

The statement, ‘now is now’ is no more able to communicate a meaningful truth than the statement, ‘I am I.’ Both are meaningless repetitions.

I can see or grasp the reality of now and the reality of I, but I cannot say it. One important difference, however, between ‘now is now’ and ‘I am I’ is that the same now is uniquely real for all of us, whereas I am uniquely real only for myself. So one cannot say that now has a purely subjective reality, for if it did each of us would be living in a different now. What, therefore, can now be if it is neither purely objective nor purely subjective?

 I-ness of I, so our awareness that the present moment, amongst all possible times, past, present and future is this time and no other, might be called our sense of the nowness of now. We are all immediately aware that this time is uniquely special, even though nothing special may be happening now, simply because it is now. If one wanted an example of something absolutely real, it seems one could do no better than pick the nowness of now


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