The main discussion on Media here is framed in terms of justification rather than knowledge.
The standard question is: Under what circumstances is a hearer justified in trusting an assertion made by a stranger, or by a consultant or speaker of any variety?
They supress any negatives re Biden during and pre the Election, it is like something out of the Soviet era
just like in Sovier Russia they have 'Show Trials'
Trump collusion nonsense etc, now it will be
Jan 6th Show Trial, for many the media backing Politicians who are orchestrating this might very well be accused of more sober political times.
The medias action to protect a
a cognitively challenged or more baldly senile Politician (Biden)
endngers the world, Afghanistan
the full fall out from this disasterous misadventure yet to be witnessed, and Biden not seen as
a credible person on the world stage makes us all vulnerable,
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