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Women and men not equal when faced with Covid 19

 Faced with Covid-19, men and women are not equal. All the global data confirms that more men are affected by severe forms of the disease. In France, they represent 73% of people admitted to intensive care. Being male would double this risk, according to a French study published online on April 10 in the journal Obesity . These differences had already been observed during previous epidemics linked to coronaviruses, such as that of Sars-CoV-1 in 2003. What are the explanations?

Like in all difficult questions the  reasons are undoubtedly multiple. Differences in behavior and hygiene of life between the sexes may play a role. In addition, some researchers suggest the track of a biological effect of sex on susceptibility to infection. “We know that women develop better immune responses than men, especially to RNA viruses. An advantage involving hormones and genetic factors.

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