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Is your BRAIN male or female?

 Is your BRAIN  male or female?

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania scanned the brains of 949 males and females, ranging in age from eight to 22, and found some striking differences.

According to one of the researchers, Professor Ruben Gurr, men showed stronger connections between the front and back of their brain, suggesting that, "they are better able to connect what they see with what they do, which is what you need to be able to do if you are a hunter. You see something, you need to respond right away."

Women, on the other hand, had more wiring between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. According to another of the researchers involved in this study, Dr Ragini Verman, "the fact that you can connect from different regions of the brain means you ought to be good at multi-tasking and you may be better at emotional tasks".

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