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Is the rioting.looting in the USA more about envy ND GREED than need.



In short, political conflict designates the tension between the structured social body, in which each part has its place, and the part with no-part that unsettles this order for the sake of the empty principle of universality.
History helps here, there was the sans culottes

sans-culottes (French: literally "without BREECHES like the rich") were the common people of the lower classes in late 18th-century France )  the soixante huitards (the Student riots in 1968 in France)  etc etc now a new voice sweep across the USA. wanting to be heard these protesters are invariably young and they want their voice heard, and if it is by looting, rioting and the f... word so be it.

We live in a media culture and the media globalise this looting phenomenon - one wonders why are they not looting Book Stores or Libraries, why is it always trainers and designer clothes?  Which begs the question are they rioting under the principle of universality or, are they doing it for the phenomenon of the sans papiers (immigrants) or is the driving force of this looting phenomenon envy AND GREED  rather than need?

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