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Biden and not making a decision is a decision for the cognitively challenged (mild dementia)


New York Times take on Biden's indecision

On issues big and small, Joseph R. Biden Jr. will not be rushed, including the critical choice of a running mate. He’s deliberative, and he doesn’t mind extending his timetable — again and again.

Peter Cheevers take on this distressingly, cognitively challenged

A peer reviewed  Gerontology  study aimed to investigate whether patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) present difficulties in making decisions under ambiguity and under risk.

In the decision under ambiguity task (IGT), MCI patients experienced difficulties in learning from feedback and in maintaining an advantageous strategy over time. 

In the decision under risk task (PAG-R), patients had problems in integrating information from different sources and in adapting their strategy to changes in the decision situation. In summary, MCI patients present difficulties in advantageous decision making that resemble those reported for patients with mild dementia.

'Indecision' is mainifest is those who are unsure of outcomes
so much so that their decision make is paralysed, or is safer in Limbo, for  not making a decision is a decision for the cognitively challenged.

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