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. "People are not disturbed by things but by the view they take of them.

 "People are not disturbed by things but by the view they take of them. Eexcessive rumination and negative thought patterns, especially about oneself,might be thought of a days that is like a grey driizzle where one's mood that mood enters a downward spiral and you become ever more hyper vigilant and  hyper reflexive

At the same time, the principles of CBT are hardly new. At least since the time of Greek philosopher Epictetus nearly 2000 years ago we've known that "People are not disturbed by things but by the view they take of them." Is that idea any different from 20th century cognitive therapy?#

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) refers to a class of interventions that share the basic premise that mental disorders and psychological distress are maintained by cognitive factors. 

The core premise of this treatment approach, as pioneered by  and , holds that maladaptive cognitions contribute to the maintenance of emotional distress and behavioral problems. According to Beck’s model, these maladaptive cognitions include general beliefs, or schemas, about the world, the self, and the future, giving rise to specific and automatic thoughts in particular situations. The basic model posits that therapeutic strategies to change these maladaptive cognitions lead to changes in emotional distress and problematic behavior

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