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iS religion an irrationalism that exempts itself from critique

religion is an irrationalism that exempts itself from critique SOME ARGUE

What  may be surprising, because at least as marked lexical items in the Western tradition, one is far older than the other. ie critique is far older than Religion

 As Talal Asad reminds us, the origins of critique go back to Greek juridical practices (krino meaning, among other things, making an accusation and rendering a judgment), but also included moments of unfettered speech in the political arena (the parrhesia that meant so much to Foucault in his final years).

 This gives critique as a concept a historical priority over religion. 

The origins of critique as an explicit category of action was born in time and place where there was not a lexical equivalent for our current word religion (both of the candidate terms for the lexical, relating to the words or vocabulary of a language, origin of religion, religio and relegere, are Latin inventions, and even in the original sense the terms did not map onto what “religion” means today.

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