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Born again Bill Maher

Bill Maher, a faux bien pensant  (a pseudo serious thinker) arrived late to the party.
One can just imagine his thought pattern,
'Hey, hold on, maybe the Impeachment was the wrong move
...ok I cheered it on from its inception, yeah I was a cheerleader to 'get Trump' ...even had those 'Evidence in Clear Sight' obsessives Schiff & Falwell (the real comedy duo)  on my show, 

But all the time something was nagging in my full of certainty lefist mindset, at that juncture I thought the REDS were everywhere even under my bed.  But then a scintilla of doubt, I can use big words, because I went to College, where I learned how not to weigh evidence from dead in the head tenured hermeneutes .

So I have changed  my  mind after haranguing millions of people for years under the mask of being 'funny'.
So what is Mr Maher's explanation for his volte face, Bill tries to be funny again...
'This down at heel vagrant goes into a pub in San Francisco with a Parrot on his shoulder
the bar man looks at him and says '...where did you get that?'
and the Parrot replies 'I picked him up outside...from the sidewalk... there's hundreds of them out there just laying about on the pavement.'

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