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We are all algorithms

Yuval Harari, a historian who has sold millions of books, predicts a glowing future for artificial intelligence (AI). Homo sapiens could well be overtaken by AI sooner than we had expected.

'Human beings, giraffes, viruses are all algorithms. They differ from computers only in the sense that they’re biochemical algorithms, which have evolved at the whim of natural selection over millions of years.

From a biological point of view, these algorithms have no soul, no God-given spiritual essence. And if it’s true that humans have no soul or spiritual essence, and that all human capabilities, including creativity, are the result of chemical processes, I don’t see why electronic algorithms wouldn’t be capable of imitating or surpassing the abilities of human beings in many areas

Let’s take an example. Today an increasing number of people are reading books on Kindle or other devices. What many people don’t know is that while you’re reading, the book is also reading you! The e-reader is capable of following you as you read. It knows which pages you’ve read quickly, or slowly, where you stopped reading and when you started again.

Given all this data we’ll soon be able to precisely identify any problems and flag them to the author. And this is only the first generation. Tomorrow, if you add a facial or biometric recognition system to your Kindle which can capture your expressions and physical reactions, the device will be able to comprehend the emotional impact the text is having on you, the reader.  All this data could be used to help create highly effective stories. Artificial intelligence, as an author, will know exactly which button to push to make you react

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