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Ways of Reading the meaning of Morality

One can read claims to 'morality' at different levels: the overt, the allegorical,  and the eschatological (referring to the end of the world), and the 'moral' itself, however all such notions are metaphorical evasions .

The intentions of politicians Pelosi. Booker Harris OAC was to open and claim meaning through the depth-metaphor of morality.  Their expositions and claims to the 'good, the truth' are sounded off as if with  apostolic authority
as if they were the center of the universe containing and exceeding  all time
with their  deep knowledge and asserted as if what they were claiming was the literal, the reduced, the defined, instead of what they are, simplistic opinions.

How can one say that we are moving closer to the (moral) truth without knowing what the truth is? One can argue that a moral is one that is “corroborated” rather than “verified,” 

How can one say that we are moving closer to the truth without knowing what the truth is?

“truth” has assumed that truth is the right term for the actual state of affairs. We were cautioned by Heisenberg that the observer and the observed are not to be conceived as “subject and object,” that there is a more unified way of conceiving of physical reality.

Truth is relational,

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