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There is not rigour or transparency in 'Moral' claims

 The notion of an indeterminate concept extends to moral notions. If Kant does not use it in the area of morals, it is because, I think, of a desire to keep morality rigorous and transparent. But 'good' morality, cannot always be rigorous and transparent, morality is a conjecture a notion of a  and an indeterminate concept.

In Iris Murdoch, in her philosophical masterpiece, The Sovereignty of Good, she writes, “Moral tasks are characteristically endless not only because ‘within,’ as it were, a given concept our efforts are imperfect, but also because as we move and as we look our concepts themselves are changing. . . . We do not simply, through being rational and knowing ordinary language words, ‘know’ the meaning of all necessary moral words. We may have to learn the meaning; and since we are human historical individuals the movement of understanding is onward in the direction of the ideal limit, and not backwards towards a genesis in the ruling of an impersonal public language.”1

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