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The current runs swiftest in anti-Trump distressed rhetoric

Thoughts of a 'leftist'
'I am in despair as I stand in swift current, for I stand in this cold water with the icy waters rushing  around my ankles so even though my never 'Trumpism is currently a cold philosophy whose icy breath withers all the beautiful flowers and and blasts all the growing fruit of
American potential, I will continue with my Inquisition of Trump till I see him burned at the stake.
I pray that this will happen, although in regard to prayer, I feel Genesis is a poem, not a text-book, with its Mosaic or committee authorship,  with a tissue of absurdity; So unsure of  the efficacy of intercessory prayer, I still pray that Trump will be hung drawn and quartered,

I relegate an 'ubeliever' to the lower  taxonomic scale while attributing Heaven and Kingdoms to the higher taxonomical scale, although as mentioned I am not a Biblical literalist but I would not wholly to dismiss the story of Eve’s creation from one of Adam’s ribs
 As I wait and hope sometimes I feel I am under a black cloud of cerebral exhaustion and as if my brain battery was ceasing  to function
and needed recharging. That is why I am standing here with the cold waters gushing round my feet.
I feel gone to seed in barren soil, sometimes I feel my mental health is precarious.

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