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Sex for men as much about power as for pleasure.

Fear of the male libido has been the subject of myth and of fairy tale from the beginning of literature: What else were the stories of Little Red Riding Hood or Bluebeard’s Castle about? A vampire is an ancient and powerful man with an insatiable hunger for young flesh. Werewolves are men who regularly lose control of their bestial nature. Get the point? 

There is a line, obviously, between desire and the masculine libido and its accompanying forces and pathologies drive so much of culture and politics and the economy, while remaining more or less unexamined, 

For males the message has been show no vulnerability, solve your own problems. Yes Men shoudl deal with their nature alone, and apart. 

Ignorance and misprision the deliberate concealment of one's knowledge are the norms.  it would do well for men to accommodate that sex itself is about power every bit as much as it’s about pleasure?

Sigmund Freud recognized the id, and knew it as “a chaos, a cauldron full of seething excitation.  However that does not mean that men should retreat, into ever more shocked and prurient silence with a comforting sense of righteousness.

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