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Quasi Religious progressives with their Procustean proposals

Procrustean. ... This marvelous adjective characterizing pointless or ruthless demand for conformity owes its meaning to a son of the Greek 
 God Poseidon: Procrustes, who stretched his guests or cut off their legs in order to make them fit his bed. or in today's parlance fit left wing proposals.

And the unthinking herd that shuffles behind these say 'green deal'(that primitive proposal) rather than treating such proposal as “surface irritations treat the proposer OAC with her synthetic A Priori Judgments  as if
she was the new Newton of psychology or a reincarnated Kant.  An indeterminate concept.Greend Deal
is proposed which escapes capture by “determinate concepts,” yer it evokes and in the free play of one;s faculties

Indeterminate concepts Green Deal, are not purely intellectual concepts; they require both a sensible subject matter and the application of an active imagination

 For our  perception is fused with conceptual content ; that some of the perceptions we value most are fused with indeterminate, open-ended, conceptual content, content in which imagination and reason cooperate under the leadership of imagination.

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