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Pelosi pointing the finger at what is not there (morality)

Image result for fra angelico san marcoPelosi appears to be  a fairly simple politician so why she has not been exposed to a robust intellectual argument is beyond me.. But let us attempt to get into her mind set.  She must  have thought, 'right... how to be denunciatory, (of course she would not use such a big word) so she claims 'the WALL is immoral and so  let's’s, you know, aesthetize the immaterial (a wall).

So the wall is disembodied, she as a mediator to this inanimate object thinks of a way to telescope, unfold, embed something into bricks and mortar so she falls back on the metaphysical, or quasi Religious notion of MORALITY.

So re-embodiment (of that inanimate object the Wall) will be employed as a task of transformation. What is now tacitly suggested  to any voter who cares to listen
Is that one visualizes, (morality) with all its religious connotations and encryption's; to make the symbolic (morality) stick in the mind.
So that the symbolic notion of  morality morphs into a material object in the mind., so now it is and not just symbolic but material

However, let us return to the ‘real’world; Morality is not empirically quantifiable, does not inheres in us as does the sting in the Bee and is not as observable as say that of child care, fencing, gardening, or baking. This is why those Democratic stalwarts. Kalima Harris, COA, Pelosi, Warren, and their army of progressive followers, point their fingers (a dietic gesture) at something that is
not there but might be there with the proviso that is you vote them POWER - the drug of choice that all politician's opt for.

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