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Our cognitive leap - our ability to talk of things which don't exist

Only human can talk speculate wonder about things they have never seen touched or smelt of  witnessed in any way

Legends, myths, Gods and Religion appeared for the first time during the 'Cognitive Leap; of  approx'
70,000 years ago.

This ability to speak of fictions is the most unique feature of Homo Sapiens' Language

Compare this to our not distant cousins, Apes, promising him/her limitless bananas in Heaven if s/he does not attack you will not deter him from beating his chest before he tears you apart.

Fictions can be dangerously misleading, who has the better chance of suruval
the person who goes to the Forest to spot Fairies or Unicorns
or the person  goes to the Forest seeking edible mushrooms and berries and maybe a rabbit for lunch.

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