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Modern culture that mystifies metamorphoses,

In modern thought and culture there is  a disenchanted rationality and an obsession with mystifying metamorphoses, 

that is, quasi-religious metamorphoses that are achieved in and through the very technologies often taken to realize or embody modernity’s “disenchanted” rationality

‘Enlightened’ association of technology with secularization tends to overlook its historical role in materializing the sacred and in making such an argument, the show managed to signal and illustrate with particular force a mystical tendency in the human effort to frame reality, to capture all time and space, the cosmos as a whole, in and through technoscientific media

Such media—from the sorcerer’s mirror through the lenses of the telescope and microscope to the desktop processor—can indicate the operation or even the realization in technology and science of a desire, much like that found throughout the mystical traditions, to transcend space and time, to achieve an omniscience and omnipotence in which the limited self would surpass itself, moving ecstatically into a cosmic totality that, much like the mystical God and his cosmic body, could never be objectively defined, discretely located, fully comprehended, or finally controlled

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