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Left wing parsimony with facts.

In the view of many, Politicians and Show Business 'celebrities'  are pathologically hungry for publicity, Such observations appear not to deter Media and left wing Politicians with  their parsimony with the facts

(witness Senator Schiff  rush to judgment on the cause celebre case of the actor who was allegedly attacked by 'racist MAGA' Trumpers)

Schiff wrote:

“I met @Jussie Smollett at the Pride Parade in Los Angeles, and I’ve seen the passion and moral clarity of his activism first hand. This week he was the victim of an horrific attack. We pray for your speedy recovery, Jussie, and reject this act of hatred and bigotry,” Schiff tweeted on Jan. 30.

Interestingly Schiff deleted this  sympathetic tweet about “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett. The deleted tweet appears to coincide with Chicago police officially labeling Smollett a suspect for allegedly filing a false police in his hoax hate crime, which happened on Wednesday evening.

One wonders how such people acquire power, and one has to conclude it is the naivety of the voters, or in the case on this side of the pond, fear, the election of the French merchant banker, a political ingenue, who was elected because French voter did not want Marie Le Pen.  Look at France now under his stewardship a veritable Lord of misrule

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