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Is your 'soul' the product of your mind?

Does one identify one's mind with soul.  Where is your soul, it has to be somewhere so for many it is a product of the mind.   

Yet the mind is undeniably (qua Darwinism) a product of evolution and came about naturally and gradually and if that is the case, it follows,  so did the soul

One is drawn to speculate whether Neanderthals had souls.

When exactly did 'Humans' get souls?

If full intelligence is needed for souls, then one doubts that four million years ago there were beings—beings such as Lucy*, Australopithecus afarensis—which had souls,

Lucy was discovered in 1974 in Africa, near the village Hadar in the Awash Valley of the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia, by paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. The Lucy specimen is an early australopithecine and is dated to about 3.2 million years ago.

Lucy skeleton reconstruction at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History

One of the most striking characteristics of the Lucy skeleton is a valgus knee,[23]which indicates that it, or "she", normally moved by walking upright. Her femurpresents a mix of ancestral and derived traits. The femoral head is small and the femoral neck is short; both are primitive traits. The greater trochanter, however, is clearly a derived trait, being short and human-like,

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