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If you are a Brexiteer there is special place in hell for you after you have been guillotined

The Laurel & Hardy leaders of the EU (unelected bureaucrats on mind boggling salaries)

issue their visceral hatred for those who might oppose their fiefdom,

'A special place in Hell for Brexiteers..they deserve to be guillotined'Image result for Guillotine

These pronouncements are quite terrifyingly irresponsible, and display a deeply unhelpful stupidity
that will get the backs of the Brits up till they evolve into a 'Gilet Jaune' UK horde.

But who would want to join this failing flailing EU club, with France in disarray and their merchant banker President  about to be toppled, Italy hardly on speaking terms with France etc

it is a club that no same person would wish to join.

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