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I was here, got it? says hand of 32000 years ago

Image result for a human handprint made 30000 years ago

Cueva de las Manos located Perito MorenoArgentina. The art in the cave dates between 13,000–9,000 BP.

The oldest known cave paintings are over 40,000 years old (art of the Upper Paleolithic), found in both the Franco-Cantabrian region in western Europe, and in the caves in the district of Maros (Sulawesi, Indonesia). The oldest type of cave paintings are hand stencils and simple geometric shapes; the oldest undisputed examples of figurative cave paintings are somewhat younger, close to 35,000 years old.[2] A 2018 study claimed an age of 64,000 years for the oldest examples of (non-figurative) cave art in Iberia, which would imply production 

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