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How the distance between the Arts and Science has narrowed

When science was obsessed by what happened in the Mind or what was the case in the World, the distance with arts, especially the visual arts, was at its maximum.

 But when science began to be seen as a mediating visual activity, then the visual arts offered a fabulous resource; they had always thought of themselves in terms of mediation and never bothered enormously about the representing Mind nor the represented World, which they took as useful but not substantial vanishing points.

To be sure, it was much more difficult to extirpate,  seradicate or destroy completely. scientific activity from its epistemological (relating to the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion).past than to free art history from aesthetics, but once the two moves were completed, a vast common ground was opened and, in the recent years, a flurry of studies have "vascularized" (of a tissue or structure provided blood vessels) the connection between visualization in science and the visual arts has narrowed.

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