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Are drones/technology for the WALL immoral? by extension they must be.

If we extend a take on the wall as immoral we might then extend the argument that technology itself is leading us up an immoral blind path. If we care to think of the logic and the stakes of such human self-creation if we think for a moment about the ways that technoscience reshapes our relations to life and death “themselves,” which it does, for example, by means of bioengineering and the thermonuclear bomb.

As French philosopher Michel Serres puts it, in the second half of the twentieth century, we managed in some new and decisive sense to assume responsibility for “the end and the beginning, creation and annihilation”: Through the double mastery of DNA and the bomb, we ourselves have become actively responsible for our birth and our death.

Where will we come from? From ourselves. Where are we going? Toward an end prescribed by ourselves.... This sudden hold that we assume over the two poles of our destiny, that of the species as well as the individual, changes our status. Remaining human but becoming our own works, we are no longer the same humans.

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