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Everybody wants to rule the world - especially US Judges

I must be one of the few people left in the'talking' classes who is not a Lawyer, that said, talk about judicial politics is ubiquitous in the press and academia today. Discussions of this topic, unfortunately, are often vague or inconsistent about the precise meaning of politics in judging. So cut to the chase. Are Law courts in the US becoming political institutions?

A judge in Hawaii rules on what all citizens in the US must and must not do in regard to immigration and this is binding. For many this ruling is jaw dropping. A recent editorial implicitly gestures at a distinction between the high politics of principle and grand social policy, and the low politics of crass, left–right, Republican–Democrat partisanship that is evident and growing at an alarming rate in the current US political climate

Party affiliation is not a perfect predictor of a judge’s behavior, some claim, however repeated studies have shown that they are. Now isn't that surprising? Judging is political; Conservatives resist weak-kneed squeamishness, Liberals take the same advice to heart, albeit in the opposite political direction. So what's new? Law is a subspecies of Politics that applies to the silks of both colours But Ideological Influence is not Partisanship. Judges, like us all, are malleable. Maybe that is a contributing reason why the US continues to seem hell bent on tearing itself asunder.

What doubt can do for you

There is the haughty pride of the 'well educated', make that indoctrinated by tenured hermeneutes
so what can doubt do?   It can get get you a real education Reflection not genuflection is the correct response to the 'knowers'.  Reticence to accept the 'given' is not a failure but a judicious evaluation
of opinions which masquerade as facts.

The rough terrain of thinking for yourself  become a thorn in the finger of the zeitgeist
become a lightning rod for the auto didact 

Before Prozac there was Joni Mitchell

'The sun like butterscotch poured through the windows'
Her songs and lyrics calmed the mind of a turbulent panic stricken generation, it was said of her that before Prozac there was the thrilling falsetto of Joni Mitchell

Combine male fragility with white fragility and you have an explosive combination

As witnessed in the US and Toronto atrocities by white males ('Incel' victims so they claim) their crimes and their raw hatred emanate from women denying them.  So, the 'victim culture' grows into horrendous consequences.

I woke up next morning and made him breakfast

In the US callers to the RAINN organisation for female abuse vicitims who take an average of 266 calls per day, usually the women say 'I don't know what happened to be, but I woke up next morning and cooked him breakfast.' Women refuge organiations are packed with women who have entered
into willingly and lovingly into relations with men, which have turned violent.

, Sexual Harrassment some argue, is the perfect crime,

As Grigoriadis has it Sexual Harrassment is the perfect crime, the male defence is more often than not  a frudlent boast, 'I was only being a man...and she as attractive ....what's wrong with that...
my gender did it, or my brain did it and they are both male, it was a natural act.

Male students, you had better start putting on your thinking caps

For a decade now male students in the US have been getting consistently lower grades than girls.

For many students (certainly in the Humanities) now both in the UK and the US there is the ever decreasing promise of the American dream, saddled with student debt they enter a world where there is not the promise of a golden future but there is the reality of Student Debt.

Why can't you be a bit more 'balanced'

The demand for balance or reason is usually made when you your opponent is arguing with you and wants you to come over to his/her point of view.  You are then left with the heavy undertow to be
balanced and reasonable, (Enlightenment weapons)

Calfornia becoming a failed state.

An NYT journalist writes, Our day will come myopia of; 'California is a harbinger of a delayed-but-still-coming Democratic wave', should be addressed. The European 'Californias' UK, Austria. Holland  France (Le Pen) and Germany  ADF, are portents of the complete opposite. What one is witnessing is a kind of populist surge to the right. California may be an omen but it  heralds what is beginning to appear like a failed state.
As to what is for us round the corner, people have had enough of experts; left wing journalists; opinion makers, think tanks, with their acronyms denoting serious, deeply informed gravitas. People have realised that these 'talkers' and their confident claims that they know what is best and what is on the horizon has been consistently wrong. See Liberal journalists media projections for the last US 1916 Election. So why should one believe the latest wailing cri de couer that soon it will be the Democrats turn?
These secular priests (left wing journalists) sense of moral order bear only the most superficial relation to lived experience. The growing populist movement in Europe and with Trump getting elected should be analysed not on an empirical level (good for the economy) but on a visceral level.

People have had enough of 'Experts'

People ‘have had enough of experts’ those endless organisations and think tanks, with their  acronyms denoting serious, deeply informed gravitas.   People have sussed (realised)  that their confident claiming that they know what is best has been consistently wrong.

These secular priests sense of moral order bear only the most superficial relation to lived experience, ie analysing Brexit and the growing populist movement in Europe and with Trump 
getting elected should be analysed on a visceral level.

How the Social Media generation view Hamlet

Poor Ophelia drowning herself like that - but she had always been denied 'safe places' and drowning was her chosen 'safe place'.  As to Hamlet, his tragedy was that he had never been permitted to
express his true trans gender nature and he felt a deep sense of guilt for being a privileged white male. Polonius behind the Arras was no more than  a pedophile peeping tom...I could go on but I feel a bit sick

What curse will ensue in America if they shoot the Trump Albatross?

Devon Nunes is a fine brave man and I applaud his courage On a lighter note: Yes, the anti-Trump wailing and lamentations will continue to resurface as the charges against him continue to be enveloped in a black hole nothing burger. Yet think of this scenario, how about one day when the Donald was playing golf in Mars Del Largo (is that right?) Shock! Horror! hold the front page! those socks he was wearing were not matching! surely that calls for a Congressional enquiry, claimed Adam Schiff. To the soi disant educated left, Trump represents a bad omen as he hovers like some Albatross across America but if you succeed in shooting that bird the ensuing curse might be greater than anticipated. Bon Courage Devon, keep up your brave work.

Shock Horror Trump seen not wearing matching socks at golf calls for a Congressional enquiry

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